1600 Mill Rock Way, Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) 281-4000 sales@arrc.com

Even though ransomware attacks decreased in 2018, they remain a major threat in the cybersecurity landscape. So much so, that ransomware was recently featured on 60 Minutes. The story primarily covers three major instances of ransomware, two that affected

No matter what industry you’re in, compliance acronyms are abundant, filling your days with both confusion and regulation. We call it the compliance alphabet soup. It’s time to make a little bit more sense of all those acronyms and what they

What is the dark web?  Have you heard of the ‘dark web’? You probably picture a guy in a hoodie, slumped over a keyboard peering at a screen of numbers with an evil smile upon his face.

You’re prepared, at least mentally, to begin your migration to Windows 10 because you’ve read What Does Windows End of Life Mean to My Business? and Getting Ahead of Windows End of Life. Is your hardware ready, though? How you

With Windows 7 end of life quickly approaching, it’s time to start thinking about what needs to be done to prepare. Technically, regular Windows 7 support has been dead since 2015, however, the extended support period is over January 2020, which means

You’ve all heard the panic. Windows is cutting off support for its widely popular version 7 software. January 14, 2020 will officially mark Windows 7 End of Life. Many companies have used Windows 7 since its onset

In most zombie movies, there is no antidote. No cure for their nasty zombie virus, it's simply all downhill from there…You watch as they slowing begin to turn into the “working dead”. After the same-old, same old, day in and day out, your team quickly begins looking

Unfortunately, the majority of the workforce are unengaged. Rather than work, disengaged employees are usually spending their days socializing, surfing the internet, shopping online, and possibly even job hunting. Many of the reasons for this include a

There is a saying that goes “people don’t quit their jobs, they quit their bosses.” We’ve found this to be true, especially as we talk with front line employees about the challenges they’re experiencing with technology. Now,

You’re ready to purchase a BDR. You’ve done all of the research, found a company you’re confident in and are excited to finally have peace of mind. But now you start thinking about exactly what you need

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